"Our stuffed waffles are an originally Dutch product, which have since become extremely popular in Belgium."

Our stuffed waffles are an originally Dutch product, which have since become extremely popular in Belgium. They have been around since the beginning of the 19th century, where they were known as 'poor man's waffles': they were indeed so easy and cheap to produce that they could be found and bought at every street corner.

Our stuffed waffles are made of 2 crispy waffles, filled with an unctuous treacle syrup. The confection of these waffles has to be done in 2 steps: firstly, the waffles themselves have to be made, and then they have to be stuffed with the treacle syrup. The secret of the recipe lies in the fact that the waffles can only be treated and stuffed while they are still warm. Once they cool down, they'll break...

Our stuffed waffles are a real treat at tea-time. And just try out this little trick: put the waffle on your hot cup for a few moments and let the treacle melt : close your eyes and taste it... you'll find yourself in a different world.

As for us, we call it our Dutch specialty, a little decadent but oh so tasty!

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